Increase your dog trainer income by specializing in a particular area. Professional dog trainers should think long and hard before accepting behavior modification cases if it is not the focus of their business and they haven’t received specialized training. One of the most important concepts that you can learn as a pro is to set both yourself and your clients up for success from the outset. Pre-screening clients, then matching them with your appropriate service or referring them out to another trainer is one of the first steps in setting you and your client up for success.
Unsure whether behavioral work is for you? Check out Become a Professional Dog Trainer courses, and keep your knowledge base fresh with topic specific continuing education. By educating yourself you’re providing the best possible chance for your client’s success whether through your own services or a well thought out referral to another resource.
Separation anxiety is an area that might best be referred to a specialist – an opportunity to increase your dog trainer income by becoming that specialist! Read Linda Michael’s blog entry on “Separation Anxiety” for a few helpful tips. But also be aware that separation anxiety can be one of the more difficult behaviors to modify. So consider your skills and education, then decide if you’re the best fit for your clients’ success. By educating yourself, you can decide whether to make behavior modification one of the focal points of your professional dog training business or to knowledgeably direct your clients to the best available resource for this specialized training.
Aggression, of course, is another great area for increasing your income. Aggression is everywhere, and with the change in pet dogs’ lifestyles, they are clashing with owners, strangers, and other dogs on a much more frequent basis.